Respect. House rules are necessary to avoid misunderstandings, keep the house calmly under control, promote harmony and foster mutual respect. Rules are meant to function in an overall framework where rules should be fair to all, foster cooperation in order to promote goodwill and an enjoyable party atmosphere in the house. The Golden Rule where you “do unto others as you would like them to do unto you” is part of the overall rules framework.
Flexibility. As different working girls have unique situations and needs, the rules will be subject to some flexibility at the discretion of the Madam. (The Madam is a live-in house mom, currently Fanny, with Fanny in charge of the girls. Patti is the Operations Manager in charge of house operations, expenditures, books, vendor payments (including girls), bartenders, travel, planning, and logistics. Both the Operations Manager and the Madam report to the owner.)
Reasonable. Rules, activities, decisions, discussions, and conclusions are meant to be “reasonable” for all concerned. Disagreements between working girls and house management can be subject to arbitration by the owner in which considerations are intended to be reasonable.
Courtesy. Courtesy and friendliness should be extended between and among working girls, management, staff, and other working girls. Please keep your private problems at home, and don’t share them with others at Donna’s. Donna’s is no place for political or religious disagreements. Try to be kind and forgiving of others. We have adopted the “Thumper Rabbit Philosophy” where “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Please give others their personal freedom and their “space.”
Fines. Donna’s Ranch has historically not done fines, and we have no intention of levying fines. Along with this consideration you need to be committed to acting responsibly, reasonably and to try to follow rules.
Freebies. Donna’s offers “free coffee, iced tea, and friendly conversation with no obligation.” The working girls provide friendly conversation with no obligation. The bartenders make the free coffee and iced tea. We also offer free showers to truckers with a booked party.
Room and board. “Room and board” charges are $25 per day, subject to change with 30 days prior notification. If you book more than $1,000 per day, the $25 fee will be waived. In other circumstances, the Operations Manager or the Madam can waive the $25 fee, such as for bartending, cooking, cleaning, helping around the house, or other activities which are helpful and agreed upon in advance.
Independent Contractors. Working girls are “independent contractors” per long-standing practice and agreements between brothels and the IRS. Although you are “independent” with respect to setting your own prices and the details of performing the services you provide to customers, you are still subject to the planning, operation, dress standards, cleanliness, promotion, industry protocols, House Rules, City Rules, State Rules and teamwork attitude of the House and your fellow working girls. Under the Australian Model room rental model, you will be primarily responsible for the customer relationship. The house’s relationship is primarily with the working girls. As an independent contractor, just like every other independent person, you will be responsible for filing your own Federal income tax return. As such you will receive a 1099. That 1099 should be included in income on your tax return. You will also be able to deduct your “ordinary and necessary” business expenses for your business including medical exams, auto, run fees, licenses, supplies such as baby wipes, lube and condoms, advertising, cell phone charges, internet promotion, hair, nails, work clothes, makeup and whatever other expenditures are necessary to run your business.
Absence. Working girls must request days off at least one day in advance, and approval of such request will consider whether there are enough girls available to “cover the floor.” The Madam will also consider how long you’ve been working, how busy it’s been, whether or not you might be “burned out” and so forth. Of course, sometimes you might have to “take yourself off of the floor” suddenly due to illness, a period or other factors. If you “take a 24” you need to be back in the house within 48 hours which includes the 24 hour grace period. If you don’t make it back on time, your clearance will expire, and you will have to get a new medical clearance.
Professionalism. All working girls must be dressed and ready to work the floor by 1:00 pm. This includes shower, makeup, and hair. Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances such as an all-nighter, this is subject to change.
CB Radio. Because many truckers no longer have a CB radio in their truck, the CB radio is not as important as it used to be, however, because it is still of some importance, it is your responsibility to work the CB to some degree as may be reasonable. Donna’s CB hours are the even hours. There will be a CB schedule, and on your hour you need to broadcast on the CB at least once every 15 minutes to invite truckers to Donna’s. You can use an app on your phone if you’d like. You can develop your own unique style and make it fun or interesting. Because GPS’s in trucks may prevent drivers from parking their trucks in Donna’s parking lot, it is important that we offer to give the truckers a free ride to and from the truck stop to Donna’s. If a runner uses his or her own car, Donna’s will pay them $15 for the trips picking up and delivering the driver from the truck stop. If Donna’s car is used to pick up the driver there will be no run fee if the bartender is already on shift. If the driver is not on shift or otherwise working such as the maintenance person, then there will be a run fee paid. If the driver leaves Donna’s and books at Bella’s instead, then he needs to pay the $15 run fee before being returned to the truck stop.
Run Fees. If a working girl without a car wants a ride to Roy’s Supermarket, the Chimney Rock Medical Clinic, the Dollar Store, the Smoke Shop, or elsewhere with someone in their car, then the working girl can make her own arrangement with the car owner. She could also call UBER or a friend in town. These fees are currently about $10 in Wells, $60 to Elko, and $200 to Salt Lake, however they could be different. If Donna’s car is utilized, then another arrangement will be worked out depending upon the driver. Generally, working girls are not allowed to drive Donna’s car due to nightmarish historical precedent. We encourage working girls to bring or buy their own cars. This adds a lot to your comfort, personal freedom, and happiness.
Dirty Hustle. Fairness is a fundamental principle to keep peace in the house. A “dirty hustle” is an action that unduly draws unfair attention to the dirty hustler at the expense of the other working girls. This is a complex and historic issue, so check it out with the other girls. This can cause so much heartache that it is an area in which the Madams may have to figure out some other kind of reasonable penalty, so just don’t hustle unfairly.
Acting Bartender. The bartender isn’t really a bartender. She is the person who greets customers when they come in and assists the working girls with their bookings, timekeeping, and “running the show.” The bar isn’t really a bar. It exists only to assist the girls as part of the operation of the brothel. We don’t allow patrons to sit and get drunk. We don’t cater to locals who might want to come in after local bars close because we are open 24/7. In many cases, working girls with bartender cards (a requirement of the City) who agree to do so, “run the show” in the bar. Therefore, working girls (who all know the routine) need to work together to help the bartender run the “party.” Working girls need to defer to her decisions. If the bartender asks you to go to your room, then go to your room. If the bartender cuts off a girl from drinking, then trust her good judgment. She knows best and is really looking out for all of the girls. Disagreements or questions can be resolved by the Madam who lives in the house.
Bookings. All bookings will be done for the correct amount and time. The acting bartender will drop the money after verifying the amounts. Time for parties will be verified by bartenders and by camera. Working girls are paid weekly on Mondays.
Behind the Bar. Unless you are an acting bartender, out of respect for the bartender, please don’t go behind the bar. Also, if you don’t have a City Bartender Work Card, you’re not supposed to be behind the bar.
Clean up after yourself. All working girls are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Keep your room reasonably and respectably clean. Don’t hoard towels and trick sheets in your room. Eat in the kitchen or on the patio, not in your room. If you fix something in the kitchen, clean up after yourself. If you need to, clean up the microwave after you’ve used it. Shower before using the hot tub. Don’t get oil or makeup in the hot tub. No sex in the hot tub. Clean up your bathroom after you use it. Do your own laundry and dry it quickly instead of leaving it half done while another person wants to use the washer and dryer. Just be responsible and respectful of others. Working girls are responsible for washing their own towels and trick sheets. This usually isn’t too hard, but you should stay on top of it and not let it get out of hand. If you are supposed to clean and organize your room before leaving or going on break, and somebody else has to be paid for doing it, then you will be charged for what the other person did for you. You could always hire somebody else to do it for you if you don’t want to do it. If you party in a VIP Suite, please clean it up when the party is over so that it is ready for the next party.
Cigarette and pot smoking are not allowed anywhere in the house except for outside on the patio. Pot smoking is not allowed anywhere in the house because the pot smell is not businesslike. Recreational pot was legalized in Nevada in your residence, so maybe it could be rationalized that you are living at Donna’s. You are paying rent for your room, but it’s a gray area, and therefore we don’t allow pot smoking inside. There are also lots of places you can go for a walk, like down 10th Street where you can smoke.
Alcohol is not allowed in the girl’s rooms because it tends to get out of control and cause problems. There are special circumstances where girls are allowed to drink, but they are not allowed to get drunk and cause problems. If you get drunk somehow and the bartender or Madam tells you to go to your room, then go to your room. The idea is to prevent problems, not to keep you from drinking alcohol. Customers can buy you drinks, although you still won’t be allowed to drink too much.
Illegal drugs are not allowed in the house, either with the working girls or with customers. If they offer something to you, don’t do drugs with the guys who come in. Prescription drugs used by working girls are sometimes a problem. Sometimes girls can be dependent upon or even addicted to prescriptions drugs. There have been a few times in the past where the Madam helped working girls handle or control a dependency upon prescription drugs. Here again, the objective is to prevent problems.
Pets. There are no pets allowed at Donna’s. This is because it quickly gets out of hand. Before long there are dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles, hedgehogs, and it’s crazy. Sometimes working girls have left their dogs or cats with friends in town. And usually we have some outside cats who have been fed by the girls and get to be pretty tame. The outside cats are permitted because they get rid of the mice. Another reason we don’t allow pets is that some of the other girls may be allergic to cats or dogs.
Town Politics. The City Rules are incorporated into Donna’s Rules. The City gives you a printout of their rules when you initially get your City License. One of the main City rules is that working girls are not allowed outside in town after 5 PM unless they are accompanied by a “representative of management.” Sometimes we have accompanied girls for short trips to the casinos to gamble. This is to prevent problems, and it is a specific instance of a general rule of town politics which is that working girls should not do anything in town which might cause complaints from the town folk. That means, among other things, that you should dress in normal street attire while out in the town, not in a provocative outfit. Also, don’t be drunk in town. If you’re going to party on time off, it’s better to leave Wells.
Food. Donna’s buys the basics, coffee, tea, milk, butter, condiments, some juice, cranberry juice, bananas, fruit, flour, sugar, peanut butter, jam, bread, cereal, soup, chili, meats, pasta, salads, dressing, mayo, cornbread, various deserts, chocolate and whatever girls may request or the cook feels like cooking. If you have a specialty talent such as Oriental, Cajun, Italian or Mexican food then let the Operations Manager do some planning with you. You can buy your own specialty food. Please label your own food items or leftovers, and respect the labels in the refrigerator. Don’t leave food sitting out where it will spoil. Clean out your old stuff from the refrigerator.
Safety. There are no flame candles allowed in your room. You can use flameless fake candles. There are smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors around the house. Test the one in your room. If it needs to be replaced, we’ve got new ones in the garage. Know where the fire extinguishers are and know how to use one. Be helpful towards fellow coworkers.
Plumbing. It’s crazy, but please make sure you don’t flush anything but TP down the toilets. That means no flushing of tampons, condoms, paper towels, baby wipes, flushable wipes, or panties. The main problem is the girls-only bathroom in the Railroad Addition, and the problem is most often tampons. It’s such a horrible and expensive hassle to snake the sewer lines and it happens all too often. A problem in that bathroom shuts down the laundry room which causes an instant crisis. Believe it or not, the last $800 problem a couple of months ago was caused by a pair of panties!
No tipping. There is no mandatory tipping of staff at Donna’s. Of course customers can still tip the acting bartender, or the girls.
Welcome to Donna’s Ranch! We’re glad you’re here and wish you a fun and profitable stay!
Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________
REV 10/2021